Reflecting Forward



“This image was inspired by my daughter in law Jaclyn on her engagement with my oldest son Jake.  I took the young couple for photos to a beach to mark the occasion, a few weeks after Jakes well planned proposal.
Among the many shots of the beautiful couple, there were some individual images that were captured.  Particularly captivating, was this composition.  It was very appealing and conceptually deep, imbued with meaning both visually and personally.
When the theme of the show, at the Algonquin Art Center 2024 was presented to me, I had already started this pencil drawing months earlier, celebrating my new daughter.  It was a perfect fit for the theme.
That being “Reflections” not only as a figure of speech but also interpreted together with the visual, it conveyed a quadruple entendre that was not lost on me.  This piece depicts the obvious, the image of a lovely young woman walking calmly and gracefully in flowing white, with a focus on the water and her reflection in the expance before her.  The stormy weather set into the background is the visual and intellectual contrast to the white figure set into a point of light among the waves.  Providing a designed ambiguity that viewers can interpret in their own way.
Reflections in the water, Reflections into one’s past, stormy or otherwise, Reflections on a future yet unwritten but only dreamed of.  Then my own Reflections of an inspiring morning with my wife and the beautiful young couple starting their life together.”
Dimensions: 10 1/2" x 13 1/2"
Category: Artwork
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Artist: Arnold Nogy
Media Type: Graphite