

Artist Comments:

“Here we see a pair of Canada Jays fixed on a pieces of bacon that they have managed to steal from somewhere. The birds are master thief’s, and they seem to be very pleased with its latest acquisition. The Canada Jay is a common sight in these parts, and it is known for its cunning and resourcefulness. The title of the piece, “Wanted!”, suggests that the Jay has a reputation for being a bit of a troublemaker. Like a thief it goes by many names, Whiskey Jacks, Camp Robbers and Grey Jays. It has a long history of stealing food from humans, and they have a knack for getting into all sorts of mischief. It is clear that this little bird is not one to be underestimated. Overall, this 3D art piece is a playful and whimsical depiction of one of nature’s most cunning creatures. The combination of the Canada Jay’s mischievous expressions and bacon that is about to disappear creates a sense of fun and adventure. Keep an eye out for these Boral Bandits and you breakfast on your next camping adventure.” ~ Don Alemany


Dimensions: " x "
Category: Artwork
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Media Type: Wood