Peace in Algonquin



Light of the lack of it, can often stir deep reactions in us. I find this at the very heart of my experiences in Algonquin. For me, the main three sources of emotional light are the sun, the moon, and firelight. In this painting I chose tow to focus on. This is the first time I’ve combined the two in a play of light. I so often find peace sitting by a fire watching the warm light of the flames and how the light bounces around my campsite, softly touching the darkness around. Then I look out to see the moon, with its cool quiet mystical light. All feels right to me with the world. All feels quiet. All feels peaceful. It is how Algonquin lights my soul.

Dimensions: 20" x 10"
Category: Artwork
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Artist: Gene Canning
Media Type: Oil Painting