Bird Songs


Artist Statement:

Urban soundscapes assault our senses with regularity, eventually dissolving into routine and indifference. Piercing sirens, blaring horns, grating jack hammers, and jets streaking overhead weave a fabric that threatens to smoother us under a synthetic blanket of toxicity. Take pause and seek out a land unspoiled where a gentle breeze is the conductor, and oscillating leaves combine with gently rippling waters to become the symphony. Listen closely as the ornithology ensemble lend their voices from perches on high. Absorb the staccato rhythms of a woodpecker’s search as a raven’s cry blends with the haunting melodies of loons echoed across tranquil waters. Experience the subsiding tension as you truly release the sounds not entwined with your spirit. Close your eyes and breathe in these moments of forest and feather while your soul rejuvenates in this serene landscape of bird songs. 

Dimensions: 26.75" x 24.5"
Category: Artwork
Artist: Peter Allan Rice
Media Type: Glass & Stone