We’re very excited to welcome our 2018 ARTISTS IN RESIDENCE to Algonquin Park! These artists will be staying at our Found Lake residence – located right behind the Centre – and will spend a week exploring Algonquin Park, joining Park Naturalists in the field, and working on their respective art projects in the Art Centre studio.
Melissa Cormier: Melissa was selected out of a large pool of talented applicants for our 2018 residency program. Graduating from OCAD with a BFA in printmaking, Melissa explores the rich textures in Canada’s wilderness areas through charcoal and graphite renderings. Her project for the residency is called “Highlighted Textures: Journey to the Hidden Surfaces in Algonquin Provincial Park” and will detail the Park’s underlining beauty that normally goes unnoticed.
Rich Baker: Rich is an incredible metal sculptor who’s been exhibiting work at the Algonquin Art Centre for the last four years. He was invited to participate in this year’s residence in preparation for his upcoming solo exhibit to be held at the Art Centre in 2019. Rich will spend his time here soaking up the beauty of Algonquin Park and working on his sculptures in the Art Centre studio.
ART DEMOS: SEPT 8TH & 9TH, 11:30 am to 3:30 pm.
Park visitors can meet our resident artists and see them work at two art demos: the first will be held at the Algonquin Park VISITOR CENTRE on Saturday, September 8th, from 11 am – 3:30 pm; the second demo will be at the ALGONQUIN ART CENTRE on September 9th, from 11 am – 3:30. Free admission.
“Crevice” by Mellisa Cormier “Follow Me” by Rich Baker