Ragged Falls

36" x 36"

Starling Lake, Algonquin Park

19.5" x 19.5"
$975 SOLD

Winter Island, Rock Lake

11" x 11"
$525 SOLD

Sunrise, Lake Opeongo

11" x 11"
$525 SOLD

Sunset, Source Lake

16" x 8"
$525 SOLD


16" x 20"
$750 SOLD

Canis Bay Lake

12" x 12"
$600 SOLD

Sunrise, Whitefish Lake

12" x 12"
$575 SOLD

Lightning, Cache Lake

24" x 24"
$1250 SOLD

Storm Clouds, Rock Lake

12" x 12"
$600 SOLD

Island, Rock Lake

36" x 18"
$1700 SOLD

Cache Lake Shoreline

27" x 15"
$1250 SOLD

Pines of Lake Opeongo

24" x 12"
$975 SOLD

Pine at Sunset

11" x 11"
$525 SOLD

Sunset, Lake Opeongo

12" x 24"
$975 SOLD

On the Mizzy Lake Trail

12" x 16"
$700 SOLD

Full Moon. Lake Opeongo

16" x 16"
$850 SOLD

Artist Biography

E. Robert Ross has been a full time artist since 1975, exhibiting primarily in Southern Ontario with solo exhibitions at the public Art Galleries of Hamilton and Burlington, as well as in private galleries. He was born and raised in the Hamilton area, where he currently resides with his wife and occasionally with his two grown up children, having lived on the west coast of Canada for a number of years.

His work is included in many art collections including those of HRH The Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall, former Governor General of Canada, Adrienne Clarkson and John Ralston Saul; President Bill Clinton, the City of Itabashi, Japan; Canon, Japan, the Patriarch of the Christian Orthodox Church, Bartholomew II, GTS Industries, France, Barclays Bank, Toronto; Arcelor Mittal / Dofasco Inc., KPMG, Hamilton, and The Hamilton Club.

Large scale paintings in the Hamilton area may be viewed in the lobby of St. Joseph’s Hospital, Charlton Campus; the lobby of the Juravinski Cancer Centre; the office of the Dean of Medicine, McMaster University Medical Centre; the David Braley Research Centre at the Hamilton General Hospital; St. Peter’s Hospital; the headquarters of the Royal Botanical Gardens and the Hamilton Region Conservation Authority; The John Sopinka Court House; Mohawk College, and at the David Braley Medical Centre (Bay and Main St., Hamilton) work in progress Summer, 2017.

Ross has been involved with many local arts organizations. He is a past president of the Board of Directors of the Carnegie Gallery, Dundas; a founding member of the On the Edge Art Environment Project; as well as many other arts organizations and juries. He served for five years on the Board of Governors of the Dundas Valley School of Art, nine years on the Board of Directors, and currently on the Council of Governors of the Art Gallery of Hamilton.