The Golden Encore Artist’s Residency with Daniel St-Amant
We have some exciting news!
This October we’re partnering with Algonquin Provincial Park to provide the Golden Encore Artist’s Residency from October 14th to 21st. We’re proud to announce that we’ve chosen Daniel St-Amant to take part in this fantastic experience during one of autumn’s most beautiful times!
Daniel originally hails from Sherbrooke, Quebec, and spent time in Halifax at the esteemed Nova Scotia College of Art and Design. He eventually landed in Toronto, where he works as a visual effects artist for the film industry.
Daniel’s artistic practice represents a blend of wildlife painting and a medium he describes as “modern surface.” He lays his canvasses on road-surfaces in areas of urban traffic or construction, and lets vehicles leave their impressions. Then, in the midst of those urban imprints, he paints wildlife that often seem poised in watchfulness, almost demanding that the viewer engage with them. You can see Daniel’s process here. It’s amazing to watch!
Daniel’s work explores the the way human encroachment, driven by consumption, leaves its impression on the landscape and wildlife around us. His paintings’ sombre but resolute subjects stand out and confront the human gaze, forcing us to acknowledge our place within nature, not above it, no matter what indelible marks we might leave on the landscape.
There are a lot of exciting things planned for this residency!
The “Golden Encore” takes place after the main flush of autumn colours. Once the reds and oranges of the maples have gone to sleep, the blazing yellows of the birches, the poplars, and the tamaracks flame up amid the deep greens of the pines and make for shockingly beautiful views. You can read all about it here.
During this dramatic time of year, Daniel will be staying at a lodge inside Algonquin’s boundaries, on Clark Lake near the East Gate. He’ll get the chance to take in the peaceful setting around the lake, walk in the woods, reflect on his artistic practice, and spend some time on his own projects, some of which may be hanging in the Algonquin Art Centre next season!
Our friends at the park tell us that there’s often a wolf-pack in the area. Being in such close proximity to one of our most magnificent animals can’t help but inspire a wildlife-artist…
Clark Lake
Imagine getting to look out on this view, flushed with yellow amid the howling of the wolves!
Daniel will also be taking part in art-demonstrations that’ll be free and open to the public. On Friday, October 16th, he’ll be at the Algonquin Art Centre. Then on Saturday the 17th and Sunday the 18th he’ll be at the Algonquin Visitor Centre at km 43 on Hwy 60. Each of those days you’ll be able to see Daniel at work from 11:00 AM to 3:30 PM, ask him any questions you might have, and just hang out with a compelling artist in an inspiring setting.
Again, that’s all free and open to the public. So come in, see the park at its best, and engage with the creator who’s capturing it!
Congratulations Daniel!
We can’t wait to see what you’ll be working on.